History of Changes for Study: NCT05718726
Post Splenectomy Infections After Surgery for Peritoneal Malignancies (OPSI) (OPSI)
Latest version (submitted January 30, 2023) on
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Study Record Versions
Version A B Submitted Date Changes
1 January 30, 2023 None (earliest Version on record)
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Study NCT05718726
Submitted Date:  January 30, 2023 (v1)

Open or close this module Study Identification
Unique Protocol ID: SPON-BM-1220
Brief Title: Post Splenectomy Infections After Surgery for Peritoneal Malignancies (OPSI) (OPSI)
Official Title: Overwhelming Post-Splenectomy Infections (OPSI) After Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthemic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy: a Prospective Observational Study
Secondary IDs:
Open or close this module Study Status
Record Verification: January 2023
Overall Status: Recruiting
Study Start: March 25, 2021
Primary Completion: February 1, 2026 [Anticipated]
Study Completion: February 1, 2031 [Anticipated]
First Submitted: September 30, 2021
First Submitted that
Met QC Criteria:
January 30, 2023
First Posted: February 8, 2023 [Actual]
Last Update Submitted that
Met QC Criteria:
January 30, 2023
Last Update Posted: February 8, 2023 [Actual]
Open or close this module Sponsor/Collaborators
Sponsor: Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Responsible Party: Sponsor
Open or close this module Oversight
U.S. FDA-regulated Drug: No
U.S. FDA-regulated Device: No
Data Monitoring: No
Open or close this module Study Description
Brief Summary: The spleen is involved in maintaining immunity and plays an important role in the elimination of encapsulated bacteria and parasites. Patients who undergo splenectomy in conjunction with complete CRS for peritoneal malignancy are at risk of overwhelming post-splenectomy infections post-operatively. These patients are therefore administered vaccinations to lower the risk of infections but as they do not completely eliminate the risk, patients are also prescribed prophylactic antibiotics without clear evidence that they are useful in preventing OPSI. The use of prophylactic antibiotics is not without risk with potential short and long-term risks including resistance, interaction with other medication, clostridium difficile infections, fungal infections, other changes to the microbiome and cost. This study will investigate the incidence of OPSI post splenectomy and assess compliance with prophylactic antibiotics. This is an observational study where consented patients will be telephoned at fixed time points which are 1,6,12 weekly and 6 monthly for a period of five years post-operatively. As part of routine care patients will be telephoned by the clinical nurse specialist at weeks 1,6 and 12. In addition to this the research nurse will telephone the patient 6 monthly for a period of 5 years and complete a questionnaire. The research nurse will complete the questionnaire during each telephone call and this should not take more than 20 minutes. At the start of the telephone call, consent will be confirmed each time and the research nurse will check that the patient is still happy to participate before going ahead.
Detailed Description:
Open or close this module Conditions
Conditions: Post-Splenectomy Infection
Peritoneal Cancer
Open or close this module Study Design
Study Type: Observational
Observational Study Model: Cohort
Time Perspective: Retrospective
Biospecimen Retention:
Biospecimen Description:
Enrollment: 300 [Anticipated]
Number of Groups/Cohorts 0
Open or close this module Groups and Interventions
Intervention Details:
Questionnaire, interview or observation study
Questionnaire administered by telephone
Open or close this module Outcome Measures
Primary Outcome Measures:
1. Number of post-splenectomy infections after surgery
[ Time Frame: Period of 5 years ]

Self-reported measure
Secondary Outcome Measures:
1. Compliance with prophylactic antibiotic regime post splenectomy as per national guidelines
[ Time Frame: Period of 5 years ]

Self-reported measure
Open or close this module Eligibility
Study Population: Patients of the Peritoneal Malignancy Institute, Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust, who have had a splenectomy in conjunction with CRS for any pathology.
Sampling Method: Non-Probability Sample
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Maximum Age: 79 Years
Sex: All
Gender Based:
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: No

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients aged >18 and <80 years Patients capable of providing informed consent Patients who have a splenectomy in conjunction with complete cytoreductive surgery (CRS) for any pathology

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients who are <18 and >80 Patients who do not provide informed consent Patients on immunosuppression therapy

Open or close this module Contacts/Locations
Central Contact Person: Victoria Corner
Telephone: 01962 824127
Study Officials: Brendon Moran
Principal Investigator
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Locations: United Kingdom, Hampshire
The Peritoneal Malignancy Institute, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Basingstoke, Hampshire, United Kingdom, Rg24 9NN
Contact:Contact: Victoria Corner 01962 824127
Contact:Principal Investigator: Brendon Moran
Contact:Sub-Investigator: Sophie Stanford
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U.S. National Library of Medicine | U.S. National Institutes of Health | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services