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9 Studies found for: Recruiting Studies | Restless Legs Syndrome | United States
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Terms and Synonyms Searched:

Terms Search Results* Entire Database**
Restless Legs Syndrome 9 studies 234 studies
Restless Legs 7 studies 224 studies
RLS 5 studies 120 studies
Ekbom syndrome -- 2 studies
Willis Ekbom Disease -- 6 studies
Restless Legs 9 studies 234 studies
RLS 5 studies 120 studies
Ekbom syndrome -- 2 studies
Willis Ekbom Disease -- 6 studies
Syndrome 7 studies 37,930 studies
Symptom Clusters -- 37 studies
Legs 7 studies 6,328 studies
Crus -- 1 studies
Extremity-lower -- 2 studies
Lower Extremities -- 1,064 studies
Lower limb -- 1,047 studies
Restless 7 studies 681 studies
Agitation 5 studies 620 studies
agitate -- 1 studies
Agitated -- 58 studies
restlessness -- 11 studies

-- No studies found
* Number of studies in the search results containing the term or synonym
** Number of studies in the entire database containing the term or synonym

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