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13 Studies found for: "johns hopkins" | Recruiting Studies | "kidney Cancer"
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Terms and Synonyms Searched:

Terms Search Results* Entire Database**
johns hopkins 13 studies 7,564 studies
kidney Cancer 13 studies 2,417 studies
Kidney Neoplasm 10 studies 2,182 studies
Renal cell carcinoma 9 studies 1,516 studies
renal tumors 1 studies 81 studies
kidney tumor 1 studies 103 studies
Renal carcinoma 1 studies 79 studies
renal cell cancer 1 studies 573 studies
Tumors of the kidney 1 studies 22 studies
Adenocarcinoma of Kidney -- 2 studies
cancer of kidney -- 15 studies
cancer of the kidney -- 7 studies
carcinoma renal -- 2 studies
Grawitz tumor -- 1 studies
Hypernephroma -- 3 studies
kidney adenocarcinoma -- 1 studies
kidney carcinoma -- 20 studies
Nephroid Carcinoma -- 1 studies
Renal adenocarcinoma -- 7 studies
renal cancers -- 266 studies
Renal Cell Adenocarcinoma -- 1 studies
Renal malignant tumor -- 7 studies
Renal Neoplasm -- 24 studies
Tumor of kidney -- 2 studies

-- No studies found
* Number of studies in the search results containing the term or synonym
** Number of studies in the entire database containing the term or synonym