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3302 Studies found for: Dementia | Alzheimer Disease

Terms and Synonyms Searched:

Terms Search Results* Entire Database**
Dementia 3,302 studies 7,294 studies
Alzheimer Disease 3,299 studies 3,425 studies
Alzheimer Dementias 117 studies 117 studies
dementia alzheimers 61 studies 61 studies
Dementia of the Alzheimer's type 58 studies 58 studies
Dementia of Alzheimers Type 56 studies 56 studies
Alzheimer Type Dementia 17 studies 17 studies
Senile Dementia 11 studies 11 studies
dats 5 studies 28 studies
Alzheimer Syndrome 1 studies 1 studies
pN2 -- 3 studies
Disease 3,301 studies 372,675 studies
Disorders 3,264 studies 131,975 studies
Diagnoses 112 studies 5,916 studies
condition 45 studies 17,390 studies
Alzheimer 3,302 studies 3,466 studies

-- No studies found
* Number of studies in the search results containing the term or synonym
** Number of studies in the entire database containing the term or synonym

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