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1 Study found for: Feasibility Study of Adaptive Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Locally-Advanced Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Terms and Synonyms Searched:

Terms Search Results* Entire Database**
Feasibility Study of Adaptive Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Locally-Advanced Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 1 studies 1 studies
Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma 1 studies 88 studies
anal cancer squamous cell -- 2 studies
Anal carcinoma -- 36 studies
anal squamous cell cancer -- 1 studies
epidermoid carcinoma of the anus -- 1 studies
squamous cell anal cancer -- 3 studies
squamous cell carcinoma of the anus -- 22 studies
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 1 studies 3,450 studies
Epidermoid carcinoma -- 16 studies
Squamous carcinoma -- 62 studies
Squamous Cell Cancer -- 257 studies
Squamous Cell 1 studies 4,068 studies
Feasibility Study 1 studies 3,799 studies
Carcinoma 1 studies 25,698 studies
Epithelioma -- 3 studies
Malignant Epithelial Neoplasms -- 5 studies
Malignant Epithelial Tumor -- 1 studies
Cell 1 studies 46,099 studies
bile salt-stimulated lipase -- 3 studies
Cellular -- 896 studies
Squamous 1 studies 4,325 studies
Anal 1 studies 891 studies
Anus 1 studies 409 studies
Locally-Advanced 1 studies 5,027 studies
Locally Metastatic Malignant Neoplasm -- 1 studies
Treatment 1 studies 139,052 studies
Administering -- 113 studies
Administration -- 7,480 studies
disease management -- 286 studies
Therapeutic -- 4,951 studies
therapeutics -- 402 studies
therapy -- 50,809 studies
TREAT -- 4,357 studies
treated -- 8,759 studies
treating -- 11,343 studies
Radiotherapy 1 studies 10,421 studies
Radiation 1 studies 6,229 studies
Irradiated -- 112 studies
Irradiation -- 957 studies
radiotherapeutic -- 8 studies
Adaptive 1 studies 1,459 studies
Study 1 studies 193,796 studies
Clinical Research -- 485 studies
Feasibility 1 studies 9,659 studies

-- No studies found
* Number of studies in the search results containing the term or synonym
** Number of studies in the entire database containing the term or synonym